Our Comprehensive & Holistic Services
24/7 Emergency Support Hotline
Our 24/7 Emergency Support Hotline provides after-hours support for women and children fleeing domestic violence, offering immediate assistance with safe transportation, temporary accommodation, and emergency assessments.
Mental Health
Our mental health workers assess all of our residents and clients and provide them with a number of different therapy programs, whether in-person or remotely to ensure they are dealing with any underlying issues.
We provide immediate shelter through our transitional shelters and emergency motel/hotel placements. Our caseworkers work with our residents and clients to find long-term sustainable housing as well.
We help our residents and clients find doctors and help alleviate the financial pressure of buying medication.Our clients who do not have health coverage are referred to health clinics.
We aid our residents and clients in obtaining diverse educational experiences, encompassing both in-house programs and traditional avenues. Our goal is to inspire and support residents in the completion of their education.
Through resume building workshops, interview preparation, and help with finding employment, we help our residents and clients secure a sustainable future for themselves and ensure that they are able to provide for their families.
Safety and Sustainability Planning
We help our residents and clients plan before they leave an abusive situation to after they move out from our shelters. We want to ensure they are safe and healthy every step of the way.
Our caseworkers help our residents and clients apply for government programs and subsidies so that they may have an income until they find work. They also make referrals to external programs from different organizations which can help our clients and residents in the future.
Financial Assistance
When a woman leaves an abusive situation, many times she does so without food, clothing, or anything to her name. We ensure we provide assistance to our clients and residents so that they may purchase belongings that they had to leave behind.
All of our work is based in cultural and religious sensitivity. We understand every resident and client comes from a different background and a different walk of life and we are sensitive and cognizant of that whilst working with them and helping them plan for the future.
Life Skills
Many of our residents and clients have never paid a bill, had a cellphone, or been to the supermarket alone. Our caseworkers ensure they teach our residents and clients life skills so that they are able to be self-sustainable.
Many times, our residents and clients will tell us that they did not face abuse at home but they didn’t know how to get through to their spouse. We offer reconciliation services, when it is safe to do so, by trained professionals.
We offer our residents and clients opportunities to speak to lawyers and Legal Aid agencies so that they may understand how to proceed with any legal cases or legal issues they may be facing.
We provide essential items to our residents, clients, and those who need it in the community. We have everything from cleaning supplies, toiletries, diapers and wipes, to school supplies.
We provide nutritious food to our residents and clients. We also operate a food bank, The People’s Market, providing food items to members of our society who need the help.
Training & Awareness
We run workshops and training sessions for mainstream shelters and community organizations so that they understand the diverse needs of Muslim clients and why certain practices must be conducted differently.
Remote Casework
No matter where you are or what your circumstances are, our caseworkers will work remotely to assists clients.