SAD Season

The days are getting shorter, and the cold weather seems to be here to stay now - cue SAD season. No, I don’t mean sad season, but rather SAD season (although it pretty much implies the same thing). 

Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD.  

This disorder is the experience of depression symptoms that occur when the weather gets colder and gloomier in the fall/winter, and can last up until a sunnier spring re-appears. Although it is often used as an expression of exaggeration by many, it actually is a real issue for most people, and according to the National Institute of Mental Health, it is more common among women than men. 

In addition to the seasonal factor, many of us have been over consuming heavy and horrific content recently, furthering the fragility of our mental health during this time. Due to the images and videos we see on the daily from Gaza, SAD has the risk to hit very hard this year.  We know it’s important not to despair, but it is much easier said than done. So what can we do?  

Although there aren’t any known ways to completely prevent someone from experiencing this disorder, there are definitely ways to reduce its impact. Our team put together a few tips on how to ready ourselves for SAD season:

1. Light Therapy 

Exposure to sun-like lamps or lighting can help keep your circadian rhythm on track, overall reducing the risk of severe SAD symptoms. Don’t forget, in addition to the light, make sure you draw back your curtains wide open and let the natural sunlight in for as long as possible during the day. 

2. Vitamin D Intake 

People with SAD, especially those who live in pro-longed winter countries like Canada, are often deficient in Vitamin D. According to The National Library of Medicine, between 70-97% of Canadians demonstrate vitamin D deficiency. A simple add on to your daily routine can significantly improve feelings of depression, or sadness (speaking from experience!)

3. Set a Schedule 

One common symptom for SAD is having trouble sleeping - try setting a schedule for yourself, and you will slowly notice your body and circadian rhythm catch on to the routine and make sleep easier to come by. 

4. Be Social 

I know it can be difficult to want to leave the house on a cold night, but it will be very much worth the effort! Community is an important aspect of Islam for a reason - there is a direct correlation with one’s mood and their social exposure. If you’re not up for going out to socialize, you can attend a protest or a healing circle and still feel the communal benefits! 

Ps. Sakeenah Canada has several community events planned for the colder season, it would be the perfect opportunity to change things around for yourself! 

5. Take Care of Your Body 

Cold weather can often lead to lots and lots of comfort food. It’s okay to indulge when you need to, but too much can sometimes make you feel even worse. We want to focus on energizing our body with the right bites, in order to combat any further feelings of laziness and grogginess! 

6. Build on your Spirituality

Let’s be real, winter is the slowest period of our year. With that extra time comes a lot of opportunities for self reflection, discovery and prayer. Dedicate a few evenings to a lecture, a new book, or whatever may be your next progressive goal towards God. We promise you, it will lift your spirits! 

It can be overwhelming, but take the time to determine what you’ll do to set yourself up for a happier winter season ahead! Take it slow, make it personal, and identify what brings you the most peace. The thought of doing this at the moment is surely difficult, but we need to find ways to cope in order to be stronger for the cause, insh’Allah. In no time you’ll realize, the cold can’t bother you in any way!

Sakeenah is always happy to be a source of sukoon, if there is more we can do to help you with this season please contact us at

Written by Saima Zaidi - Social Media Coordinator at Sakeenah Canada. I love to write and create content that prompts deep thinking.  My beige flag is that I eat pizza backwards, crust first.

About Sakeenah Canada

Sakeenah Canada, a national charitable organization, was founded in 2018 in response to a gap for culturally and religiously sensitive services for women and children facing domestic violence and homelessness. Since then, our services have expanded to include mental health therapy and counseling. Sakeenah has also started The People’s Market, a food program that helps combat food insecurity and most recently, Sakeenah became the first licensed foster care agency for Muslim children in all of North America. We currently operate 8 transitional homes across Canada: Toronto, Brampton, Milton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Regina.


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